In the presence of Miguel Torruco Márquez, Mexico’s tourism minister, and Evelyn Cecia Salgado Pineda, governor of Guerrero state, the 2022 Tianguis Turístico de México, the most important event in the Aztec country’s tourism industry, was held in Acapulco from 22 to 25 May.

The organization Fideicomiso para la Promoción Turística de Acapulco (FIDETUR) organized this edition of Tianguis.

Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, said that at the Tianguis Turístico 2022 in Acapulco, 64,950 business appointments were made, 7,663 more than in the last edition.
He highlighted that the trend in the volume of business transactions is estimated at 663 million pesos, which exceeds the Mérida 2021 edition, where 598 million pesos were recorded.
He emphasized that 63.2% of the buyers are of national origin and 36.8% from abroad, with Colombia, the United States and Spain in the top three positions.

The head of the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Mexico (SECTUR) informed that they also mean 17 thousand 572 additional business appointments, with respect to the 2019 edition held in Acapulco; and highlighted that of these appointments 38.1% concluded in sales and 62% in space section, according to the information provided by those consulted.
He indicated that another historic record in this Tianguis Turístico was the 1,745 buyers registered, that is, 109 more buyers with respect to the 2021 edition, and it also meant an increase of 6.7% with respect to the 2019 edition, with 401 more buyers.
Torruco Marqués pointed out that for this edition of the Tianguis Turístico, one more historic record is projected, as the trend in the volume of business transactions is estimated at 663 million pesos.
This surpasses the Mérida 2021 edition, where 598 million pesos were recorded for business transaction volume, which means 10.8% more; and in what corresponds to the Acapulco 2019 edition, the increase is 54%.
He stressed that 63.2% of the buyers are of national origin and 36.8% of foreign origin. Regarding the origin of the buyers, Colombia had an increase to 11%; the United States remained at 10%; Spain, 3%; and other countries, 13%.
He added that the products most offered by exhibitors at the Tianguis Turístico 2022 were sun and beach tourism (48%), cultural tourism (46%) and nature tourism (37%).
As for the most popular destinations among buyers, they were Cancun, with 47%; Acapulco, 42%; Mexico City 34%; Puerto Vallarta, 32%; and Magical Towns 30%, but it is worth mentioning that the preference for other destinations increased 60%, which means that they are already diversifying towards the 254 tourist destinations.
The Secretary of Tourism pointed out that regarding the evaluation of the exhibitors’ profiles by the buyers, 44% qualified as “Excellent” and 55% as “Very good”. Exhibitors rated the 2022 edition of the Tianguis Turístico de México held in Acapulco as “Excellent” by 34% and “Very good” by 57%.
During the last day of activities at the Tianguis Turístico, the Secretary of Tourism received several messages of approval from tour operators, travel agents, exhibitors, comparators and authorities who attended this important event for Mexico’s tourism industry.
For “Tianguis 2023,” organizers have already chosen Mexico City as the official venue for the next event from March 26-29, 2023.
More details on the website of the Exhibition “Tianguis Turístico México”